Do you have Mommy Brain?
There is a cause and a solution.
Mommy Brain. A term many women use to describe how they feel after pregnancy and nursing. And the symptoms tend to get worse with the more children they have. Forgetfulness. Confusion. You spend five minutes looking for your phone while you are talking on your phone. You stop talking mid-sentence because you forgot what you were saying. You can’t shop without a list. You find your milk in the pantry and your car keys in the fridge.
Though this might seem funny at first, it can become a scary experience as “mommy brain” seems to creep into more aspects of your life. And let’s face it, the demands of raising kids paired with the lack of sleep can stress any brain out. But what if there was a physiological reason for “mommy brain” that is fixable? What if you can get your pre-pregnancy brain back?
To understand how this is possible we have to start by understanding a crucial nutrient and how it is used in LARGE amounts in pregnancy and lactation.
CHOLINE. It’s a B-vitamin derivative that is a source of methyl groups used for crucial functions in the body. Let’s take a look at the top 3 uses of choline.
1. Cell Membranes
This is BIG one! As humans, we are made up of TRILLIONS of cells with TRILLIONS of cell membranes. Just like a medieval city has a brick wall surrounding the city to protect it and allow it to thrive, our cells have membranes around them to protect and control the flow of substances in and out of the cell. And the main building blocks (phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin) of our cell membranes are made from choline. [1]
When you are pregnant, you are making a new life with TRILLIONS of new cells and yes you guessed it, TRILLIONS of cell membranes. The demands for choline skyrocket in pregnancy. And some women have genetic variations that make their needs almost double the average person. In fact, this is why the American Medical Association and the FDA has recently changed their stance on choline importance and intake in pregnancy. Almost all prenatals on the market are grossly inadequate in their choline dosage. The FDA recently changed their recommendations for choline status in pregnant women from 100mg per day to 450mg![1] That is a BIG jump! If you want a prenatal with 100% DV of methyl donors from choline and TMG, check this out (VitaminIQ prenatal link). Cell membrane health is a foundational aspect of a healthy body.
2. Liver-Gallbladder Health
Choline is an essential nutrient for liver function.[2] The liver uses choline to make a digestive enzyme called bile. Bile is sent to the gallbladder where it is stored and concentrated and released into the first part of the small intestines called the duodenum. Without adequate choline, bile production and flow can become sluggish. To understand the full ramifications of decreased bile flow, we have to understand the role bile plays in the body.
1. Bile helps us break down our fats into smaller pieces (a process called emulsification) for absorption and assimilation. Without adequate bile flow, fat is not digested properly and can lead to nausea, GI distress and pain. This can also impact nutrient absorption.
2. Bile is acidic and keeps bad bacteria from making their home in your upper digestive tract. A common condition people struggle with today is something called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) where bacteria grow and residue in their upper GI tract and cause discomfort, nutrient malabsorption and bloating. SIBO can be a sign of poor bile flow.
3. Bile is also the “trash truck” for your liver. You must have adequate bile flow to be able to detoxify substances you are exposed to in everyday life along with substances your body makes to keep you alive.
Without adequate choline, bile production may slow and lead to pain when consuming higher amounts of fat, bloating and discomfort from SIBO and decreased detoxification abilities.
Now let’s connect one more dot. What is a common surgery after pregnancy? Gallbladder removal or cholecystectomy. Why? Because choline is being used to make cell membranes of your developing baby and less is available for bile production. The bile gets sticky and tarry and rolls into little balls we call gallstones. Your gallbladder squeezes to contract after eating some delicious guac and BAM the pain hits you out of nowhere. A gallstone stuck. Off to the ER you go for surgery.
A lot of women notice more obvious symptoms with their second or third pregnancy. Why? Compounding depletion of choline with each pregnancy.
Healthy liver function supports proper digestion, detoxification, immune function and more.
OK, are you ready to connect choline to mommy brain?
3. Brain Function – Acetylcholine
On top of choline being used for cell membrane health and liver function, it is used by the BRAIN! Choline is a building block for the oh so important neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. What is acetylcholine responsible for? MEMORY. ATTENTION. LEARNING. I know where my phone is because I am talking on it. You can carry on a conversation and remember what you said, are saying and want to say. You can run to the store with the short list in your head and remember what you needed to pick up. You put the milk in the fridge because your brain can organize thoughts and tasks to help you accomplish everyday life.
Acetylcholine is not only helpful for your brain during the day but also at night. Acetylcholine is used by the brain stem to get into restorative, REM sleep that allows you to wake the next morning, refreshed and ready to take on whatever the day may bring.
You see, pregnancy AND nursing can leave you choline deficient if not supported properly. And low levels of this crucial nutrient leave your brain struggling to function the way it did before children. The great news is that there is hope!
Mommy Brain™ is formulated with two most important forms of choline that cross the blood-brain-barrier within 30 minutes to nourish your brain [3] [4] . Both of these forms of choline are sourced from sunflower and thus soy-free.
1. GPC Choline (L-Alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine)
2. CDP Choline (Cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine)
Mommy Brain™ also contains two additional brain-boosting nutrients.
1. Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a phospholipid that supports mental clarity and mitigates an overactive stress response.[5]
2. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is the longest chain omega-3 fatty acid sometimes referred to as a fish oil. DHA is a powerful anti-inflammatory fatty acid that supports optimal brain function.[6]
Mommy Brain is not your new normal. It’s time to feel like yourself again. Get a bottle, give it a month and reach out if you have questions along the way info@vitaminIQ.com. We are here to support you.
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